Vörös Oroszlán

Vörös Oroszlán

Why the name of the tea house is 'Red Lion'?

We intended to find a name that not only represented the athmosphere of the tea house but it also summed up the opportunities of the spirituality of man. That is why we chose the title of the main masterpiece of Maria Szepes, the novel 'Red Lion'. 

We and the tea house have gone a long way since then just like the protagonist of the book.

We continue working on that we can serve our guests worthy to the spiritual heritage of the authoress.

Open: 11:00-23:00 Monday-Saturday, 15:00-23:00 Sunday

Address: Budapest VI. Jókai tér 8.

Website: https://www.vorosoroszlanteahaz.hu/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=115&lang=english


Vörös Oroszlán

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